Project Details
“love pills”
Project idea Instalation for Tirana city
“pilulat e dashurise”, trajtojne njerezit per t’u dashuruar me shume me njeri-tjetrin, si ilac per zemren dhe shpirtin.
Nje instalacion interaktiv, i dizenjuar per t’u vendosur ne parkun e liqenit te Tiranes, terheq vemendjen e te rinjeve per t’u dashuruar sa me shume. Dy te dashur mund te hedhin nje kapsule me pluhur te kuq, qe shkrihet lehtesisht ne uje dhe e ngjyros ate, per te dhene mesazhin e bukur te te dashuruarit ne shoqeri. Uji i kuq qe leviz pergjate ketij tubi transparent, rrugeton neper park, derisa derdhet ne nje shatervan historik te qytetit, per ta mbushur ate me ujin e kuq te dashurse.
“love pills” treat and educate people to love each other more, as medicine for the heart and soul.
An interactive installation, designed to be placed in the lake park of Tirana city, attracts the attention of young people to fall in love as much as possible. Two lovers can throw a capsule with red powder, which melts easily in water and colors it with red color, giving the beautiful message of love in society. The red water that moves along this transparent tube, flows through the park, until it poured into a historical fountain of the city, to fill it with the red water of love.